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Damn! The new update is amazing, you've really outdone yourself here. I already adored these assets, but the new textures and additions brings it to another level entirely.  I can't wait to see what you've got cooking up next. (Also, the waterfall is fantastic, far better than my attempts at creating one in the same style as the pack lmao)

I'm glad you like the update! It was going to be a small one, but snowballed very quickly 😅 The waterfall has been a very long time coming, I found it difficult, so I can empathise with your many attempts!

Next up is big update to the sprites to make them more modular/customisable! There will be some small updates in-between for other stuff also, a few of these packs are looking a little tired in comparison to new updates. 

Hi! I purchased the bundle for the entire Solaria collection and I absolutely adore it. However, in the game I am currently making with these assets, I have a river that I want to have go down across multiple elevations, but there are currently no tiles which allow me to do this. I was wondering if you currently have any plans to add any tiles like this in the future?

Here is an image of what I'm trying to do:

Hi! Glad you're enjoying the assets! 

I'm currently putting the finishing touches on a big update for this particular asset pack that will add tileable waterfalls and many more options for water, but not any east/west facing ones like you'd need.

If I can find any reference for that I'll try and include it in the next update after the upcoming one! If you find or know of any, please share it here, it'd be very useful!

Oh damn, well that's exciting to hear! 

It shouldn't be much of a problem for me to simply change the river to be facing north when it changes elevations, so I should be able to work with that just fine. 

Can't wait to see what you have int store. :D

I have purchased the entire bundle and they are beautiful. For the Rural Village bundle, I am not sure how to build and put it together correctly in some of the pictures. I wish there were more examples.

Glad you're enjoying my work!  I'm happy to answer any questions you have, so you can drop them here, or send me an email, or I have a discord server you can join (should be a link on all of my pages)!

Okay, I am currently building my character system. Once it is completed, I will switch to Discord to inquire

Hello! Itch tells me I purchased this bundle as part of the Indie bundle for Palestinian Aid 3 years ago, but when I go to download, I only have access to the free version. Is that normal? Thank you!

Hi, I've since changed the pricing structure for this asset, which does break access to it. I'm not sure how that works when the purchase is from a co-op bundle, but if you send me an email or DM on one of my socials and let me know the email you used when you purchased the asset, I can look into it for you.

Thank you! I will email you shortly.


that great


Best artist on itch! Any plans on releasing gear, weapons etc?


Thanks Afsan! I do have some stuff like that planned, that I'm hoping to release  in the new year.

I purchased the asset as part of a bundle. Can I release a game for commercial purposes using the Solaria asset bundle?


Yes, of course! 

Hello there Jamie, maybe next theme will be beach side? I really need a beach xD thanks!

There's currently a work in progress version available to my Patreon subscribers, and I'm hoping to finish the project and make it available on itch once I'm back at work in a couple of weeks.

To the patreon I go thanks!

Hi, I am brand new to video game development and I would like to create a game similar to animal crossing in gameplay - I was curious if these assets are compatible with gamemaker 2?


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Hi, I haven't designed them for gamemaker, or personally tested them in that engine. My suggestion would be to download the free demo version to test the assets out.

There's really no reason they shouldn't be. It should be possible to tinker a bit to get them working even if they don't at first

Hey Jamie, qq, do you happen to have a screenshot of any town you designed like to get inspiration from in how you combine so many assets?

Hey Jamie also I found this maybe for a future update, it's not a problem for me because I can lower the roofs, but just in case the roof deco below is overlaping the square above 

roof winter

Thanks for spotting this! I'll remove it in the next update. 

As for the scteenshot, I'm unfortunately away from work for a few weeks so I can't put anything together for you.

(1 edit)

No worries, just wondering if you had something already made, thanks anyway enjoy your time off! Edit: is it me or the windows don't align well to the square, I could manually move them as an object but just wondering if this positioning is normal, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong and not seeing something well.

I don't have the files to hand but there should be at least one variation of the window designed to fit that formation for the house and sit on the tile grid.

Thanks, no worries I can manage via objects instead of tiles, worth looking for future updates tho thank you!

Hey, I can't find any extra water, I only see water connected to sand. World of Solaria Rural Village Legacy Assets \ 16x16 \ Tilesets \ RVWater

How do you mean extra water? 

Deleted 150 days ago

I have found the answer, but currently I still don't know how to implement the animation of the water on the shore in Godot

It's easy I'll send you a video one I get to my pc

Hey, finally integrated new blob tilesets for terrain and found out that water and cliffs use and old format (16 tiles I guess)... are there any plans to make blobs for water and cliffs? Thanks! :)


Yeah, I'll add that as soon as I can figure out a good way to do it.


Hello, may I ask if you are familiar with TiledMap Editor? I am currently working on creating a map with automatic tiling, but it is different from the other maps I have worked with. Could you please advise me on how to set up automatic tiling in Tiled Map Editor?

Hi, I'm not a big user of Tiled, but I'll make a note of this and look into it for you.

Funny enough I just came on to post a similar question. The tileset looks absolutely amazing, however I also want to use automap but some of the tiles don't work too well with it. 

It may be a case where I'm not using the correct tileset for my use case, but I can't seem to find anything in all of the files. It seems like there aren't many defined inverse corners (for creating 'blank spaces') or tiles for "weird" corners. 

I found an inverse tileset in the Legacy folders, but unfortunately those tiles don't match the ones for the Rural village...

I can message you with examples of the corners/tiles if it would help give a better understanding.

Thank you very much.

Hello, I like your art so much!!

But i can't find the sprites like furnace, beehive, scarecrow, can you tell me where these sprites are.

Thank you.

Thank you! None of those things are included in this asset pack. There's a forge in the blacksmith set, and a fireplace in the interior set. There's a scarecrow in the crops set, but I don't have a beehive at all.

Oh thanks for the reply.

I bought the bundle and hopefully the beehive and more flower will be add soon.

Yeah I do have plans for those things!

(2 edits)

Hi, I bought the entire bundle and I want to thank you for your work.

I have one problem. While I was able to use your assets to draw the inside of a house as well as a forest with a house in the center, I am having a hard time trying to draw a river in my game. I am using the Outside_A1a.png under the legacy folder for the river/water asset. Is that the right asset to use for rivers? The images in there looks like they are designed for animated sprites. For example, the second row appears to have three 96x96 sprites which looks like a pool of water with animation.

I am new to game making and I think I just don't know how to use your assets correctly. Am I looking at the wrong thing, or do I just need to manipulate Outside_A1a.png for my rivers?

What game engine are you using? The tiles sheets with the A1, A2 etc suffix are edited  for use in RPG Maker. 

(1 edit) (+1)


After I learned more about Godot, I was able to create something I liked using the "Terrain/Dirt Edges.png". 

Awesome! This looks like it's set up perfectly!

Hello, may I ask how the animation of water is implemented

There are lots of short , simple tutorial videos if you do a Google search for "animated tiles Godot".

I watched this video and used it to learn how Godot's animated tiles feature works

I purchased this pack when it was on sale 3 years ago. However, now I can no longer download it, as the minimum price increased to $10. Is this intentional? :(

It's not intentional, it's a quirk in how itch deals with price changes to items. It's an easy fix though! If you send me an email or DM and let me know the email you used to purchase, so I double check everything, I can send you a key to unlock everything again. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Thanks, just sent you an email!

Hi !
I was just adding some street lamp to my game that turn on and off based on the day time but I noticed that the "on" version and the "off" version aren't exactly the same. The base is different
Is it intended to have two separate style ? I can just modify it myself, shouldn't be a big deal :)

Hi! The tiles are that way mostly to let you mix and match, and to save space on the tile sheet. You should be able to easily modify them in whatever image editor you use!

I have another question:

- In the new Rural Village Terrain (8d version), I can't seem to find any "bent inwards" grass tiles, only the one "bent outwards". You have those type of tiles for some of the terrain, but not all of them. Am I missing something? (This time I checked the animated tiles folder hehe)

I've highlighted in red which type of tiles I'm talking about:

(1 edit) (+2)

They're with the rest of the terrain tiles, but aren't super obvious

I've labelled the tiles to show how to create the different inner corners here:

Ohh now I see it! I was so used to how you had done it in the legacy version so I couldn't see it in this new one. Thank you very much for your fast replies! 

Another question related to terrain tiles :) Do we have tiles for these cases in a new tileset (it was there in an old one)?


I'm adding blob tilesets soon that will hopefully help solve problems like this. I've tested out the grass so far and it works well. I'm going to work on the other parts after the weekend when I get some free time.

Oh, I see. Thank you for your reply! =)

i'm looking for the inner corners myself, and i cannot find them at all.

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The highlighted tiles are the main inner corner tiles. Anything with that small collection of pixels in the corner of the tile is a corner piece.

Unlike previous versions of the asset pack, there should now be a tile for every possible situation.

I really like the new art style you're using! Thank you so much for the great update!

I have a question:

- I can't seem to find the updated doors used in the example pictures on this page, am I missing something?

(1 edit)

Thank you! It's honestly probably not you, more likely my file organisation 😅

The file path is: World of Solaria Rural Village Update 08d\16x16\With Shadows\Animated Tiles\Doors\PNG

Ohh right! I forgot to check the Animated Tiles! Thank you for helping out! :)


Bought all $50 worth of packs and none of the new updates are in RPG Maker or formatted for it :( Only "legacy"

(1 edit)

Hi, you can request a refund from itch if you feel the assets aren't suitable for your needs.

Only a few of my assets carried the rpgmaker tag and only one claimed to have any tiles formatted for the engine. I've now removed all tags and any mention of rpgmaker to avoid any potential confusion in future, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

where did you build this adorable game?

How do you mean? 

This is all just game assets, I draw and put the scenes together in Aseprite.

Thank you for the fast reply, is Aseprite a game engine? I'm an aspiring game dev and want to learn more about how to incorporate the animation frame system for assets; trying to learn how to use them so i can buy! How would you load animation for these wonderful assets?

Hi, sorry for the slow reply. Aseprite is a specialised pixelart program. I don't actually do a lot of game dev, so I can't really help with anything about loading them into an engine, sorry!

I just recently bought the bundle pack of all Solaria assets, and had a question; Some of the assets come in 16x16, 32x32, and 48x48 sizes, or have RPG Maker formatting already.

Do you intend to extend the 32x32/48x48 sizes or RPG Maker support to all of your assets? I've noticed that the "legacy" folder has assets already formatted, but not every item has a legacy folder.

I do plan to add that eventually, but it's a very long and annoying process so I've been putting it off.  It's not currently a top priority.

The reason only the one asset pack has a legacy folder is because I've just overhauled the Rural Village tileset and everything is new. The other asset packs will get the same treatment soon.

Great!! :D
Everything is beautiful as it is now. I'll definitely be following progress along to grab new packs as they come, and especially to grab updates as they come out to fit RPG Maker :) 
Wonderful work!!

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