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would u be willing to make a ui pack with the same icons but larger, similar to the bg art you have on the sides of the page? these are really good but for larger resolution projects it's hard to consider using

you could resize them yourself, it's not hard!

Hello hi! first off, Huge mega big fan of your work, so readable and consistently stylized. i noticed the 'u' key is missing from the keyboard sheet. would appreciate seeing it added in :>  

Thanks, well spotted! I'll make a note and fix this as soon as I can.

Hey there I was wondering if you could include the bordered font you use in the toolbar as well? I've tried making my own using yours as a template but alas I am not very patient nor understand where the pixels should go and they end up looking pretty bad. Your whole set is amazing btw I love it and am currently using it for a game I am working on so thanks a bunch!

Yeah, I'll make a note to include that in the next update, thanks for the suggestion!

Glad you're enjoying my work! Keep me updated on your project if you can, I love seeing how devs use my assets!

Will do! I am heavily invested in your art style lol I'm steady working on this thing and hope to have something to show off later this year. But I can send over a small snippet sooner if you are interested. 


Love your ui pack! Just wanted to give a few suggestions if you ever add more sprites to it:)

- coin bag/pouches

- something like a book page for spells for example, maybe icon of the book as well?

Great job on this asset pack!

Thank you l, I'll make a note of these suggestions!

This UI asset pack is really well thought out. There are numerous ways to mix and match the different window elements for dialogue, settings, buttons, etc.  This really made design and implementing my interface a breeze. 

This UI pack is so pretty! Also the promotional art is beautiful. It makes me want to know the full story behind Odderf and Solaria. Why is this frog farming in a town of humans? It's like reverse Animal Crossing. I need to know more


I'm so happy you like it! We had a lot of fun creating all of the characters from the promo art, and each of them has a name and backstory that I'm really hoping to get to explore and show off in a game sometime soon!

(2 edits)

Thank you so much! It is bigger and better than I imagined!

Glad you like it! Be sure to let me know if you have any suggestions or areas for improvement!

Big and beautiful asset! Also, kudos for all the lovely art in this page, I love the banner and the characters


Thank you so much! It was a lot of work, I hope people find it useful! I'll let my partner know that you love her illustrations too 🐸💚

She's great! Perfect fit for your work! :)